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Long distance running.... every step helps


During the period 21. April -  12 May 2023, the national event "Long distance running.

Every step helps" took place with the aim to support mobile hospices in the Czech Republic either financially or by promotion, so that hospices could continue their activities and take the best possible care of terminally ill patients. The employees of the CRONIMET Ostrava took part in this event with enthusiasm and for three weeks they tried to move as much as possible and supported the main idea of this event with their sports performances. So walking, running, cycling and skating became their daily activities for these three weeks. The result was not only a good feeling of having done something for their health, but also financial support from CRONIMET Ostrava to the mobile hospice Ondrášek in order to express support to all those who so lovingly and continuously care for terminally ill children and adults, so that their wish to spend the last moments of their lives at home with their loved ones could come true.

We are already looking forward to the next Long Distance Run! See you at the finish line next year!